Friday, January 12, 2007

National and International News-Friday, Jan. 12th

ATHENS, Greece (AP) - The Greek government blames far-left Greek militants for today's attack on the American Embassy in Athens. An anti-tank shell was fired into the building but no one was hurt. It's the first major attack on a U-S target in Greece in more than a decade.

CAPITOL HILL (AP) - Defense Secretary Gates faces more questions about the new Iraq strategy when he appears before the Senate Armed Services Committee today. Yesterday, some lawmakers slammed a troop buildup as desperate and even dumb. They question whether the Iraqis are up to the challenge.

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush and Congress both have 32 percent approval ratings in the latest A-P-Ipsos survey. For Congress, that's a five-percent bump from last month. President Bush's rating is a new low for him in the A-P-Ipsos poll.

MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) - More violence is reported today in Somalia. At least six people are dead after gunmen loyal to a clan leader exchanged gunfire with government troops outside the presidential residence in Mogadishu.

WASHINGTON (AP) - It's not just purses and sneakers anymore. The government says every product and industry has become vulnerable to counterfeiting. Fake items now include batteries, light bulbs and extension cords. Officials say China was the source of 81 percent
of all phony goods seized last year.


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