Thursday, February 08, 2007

National and International News-Thursday, Feb. 8th

CAPITOL HILL (AP) - Senate opponents of the new troop buildup in Iraq are trying to revive a resolution to put the Senate on record. Seven Republicans, led by Virginia's John Warner, have sent a letter to Senate leaders demanding action. The House next week weighs its own anti-war resolution.

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The new high-profile security crackdown in Baghdad has netted a government official linked to a trouble-making Shiite cleric. The deputy health minister was detained today by U-S and Iraqi forces who raided the ministry compound. South of Baghdad, 15 people are dead in a marketplace bombing.

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The U-S Embassy in Baghdad confirms another helicopter crash. The New York Times says the U-S civilian chopper was shot down last week, the passengers and crew rescued. That makes six American helicopters lost in Iraq in less than three weeks. Seven servicemembers died in a Marine crash yesterday.

UNDATED (AP) - People in wide parts of the nation are in for another dose of really cold weather today. And western New York could get another foot of lake-effect snow. The lowest temperature in the nation yesterday was 29 below in Devils Lake, North Dakota.

SEATTLE (AP) - Amazon-dot-com has agreed to stop sales of dogfight videos but says it's going to continue to sell magazines about cockfighting. It's being sued today by the Humane Society. The company says it will scrap the videos because they portray violence, but says dumping the magazines would be censorship.


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